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Please follow these steps in order to complete this web quest.


1. Review the public service annourcements here.  Ask yourself:


2. Review the list of endangered animals on the Resources page to determine which animal you will create your public service announcement for.  

3. Use the sites on the Resources page to research your animal.  Record your research on your note taking sheet that has been provided to you by your teacher.

4. Create a persuasive and informative public service annourcement to inform the public that your animal is endangered and provide them with ways in which they can help this animal from becoming extinct.  You will be using the app Pic Collage to create your PSA.

-What elements did they include on their PSA?  

---A message, why the animal is endangered, a call to action (what they can do to help the animal), information about the animal, typically a photo of the animal.

-What makes these so powerful?

-How will you make your PSA as powerful?

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